Tuesday, October 9, 2007

If you look, comment!!!

I am still a blogger but not extremely active. My wife tells me that people ask but never a comment so I assume you don't care. weep weep, sniff sniff. Actually I have been overly busy and haven't talked to you (y'all) for quite a while, as Tina has told you we went on a tremendous vacation and had the time of our lives and that is true. I just got back from a great weekend with my buds golfing and playing a little poker and just enjoying each other's company. It was a very unusual weekend for October as we all had 85 degree weather and bone dry so my worm burner drives were rolling an extra 70 to 100 yards to give me a great chip shot opportunities. I actually golfed decent. Tribe is in the ALCS so that makes me happy too. Ever notice that you don't think in complete thoughts, just little tidbits that you have to concentrate on to get a complete thought out of? Or is it just me? Attached are a couple of pictures I like from the trip to Hatteras (by the way if you are from Hatteras and need a real good worker and have a place on the beach as partial compensation leave me a comment) to share with you. It is time for me to make my rounds teaching CPR to the oilfiled guys, talk about a fun time 5 manakins and 10 to 12 guys who don't hold a single thought to themselves so you can imagine the time I spend realing them back in. I promise I will write back soon.

Love Ted

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Well, she has come for a visit. My Punkin'!!! I love that little girl. She smiles and my heart just melts just like her mom used to do. My greatest joy in life are my wife, my kids and my grand baby. Tina and I drove up to Williamstown last night to meet her and her mom half way and we get to keep her until Friday when I go up for my 25 year class reunion. (my next blog) What a joy she is. Grandma and her are heading to Walmart today (yippee) and I get to play with her tonight. Thursday night we get to take her to her first baseball game and I am sure she will love it. I know I will. Anyway, any of you who don't have grandbabies yet, just wait it is more fun than you can imagine. Some say that we relate so well because we are on the same maturity level. Whatever the case she makes me enjoy life at a higher level.
Love, Ted

Monday, August 6, 2007

Where is my mind going?

OK, here is the question I have.....Am I the only one who can't keep a solid thought stream for more than 10 seconds? I mean here I am logging into my blog to write this really cool thing that I am thinking and by the time I log in and get set to write, I can't remember what the heck I was going to write!?!?!?!? This is a very common thing lately, I had to look something up on the internet yesterday and by the time I walked upstairs and logged on I had to yell, "Hey Tina what was it I was looking up?" She tells me and we have a 30 second conversation about something else and BAM!! I forget again, then I have to ask her again. Do I have a problem or am I just getting early onset of Alzhiemers? I am not picking on Alzheimers patients, I am seriously wondering what is wrong with me. I would take Ghenko Beloba but would forget to take it every day or forget why I went to the store.

Well still can't remember what I was going to Ramble about so see ya next time.

Love, Ted
There are many things in my life that make me smile, my wife bragging on me is one. She went and told the world how wonderful she thinks I am and I sat here and read it and realized that I have held up my end of the deal when I asked her to marry me. I said, "You won't be bored" I am a wacky guy who says whatever comes to his mind most days. Sometimes my boss will look at me and shake his head after I say something not in the normal realm. I will share with you why I do such silly stuff. I like for people to be themselves so if I am expecting that from others then I have to be that myself ........ and like it or not this is who I am.

Now I have to tell you something about Tina, she is darn easy to love. She is caring and spends a lot of her waking hours thinking about other people and how she can help them just by being a good friend. Now how can ya not want to bless someone like that?!?!? She is also a real good looker and I want her to want to stay around so I have to keep her smiling and happy. :-) And God gave her to me and she loved me through some really unloveable times in my life. She is my best friend.

OK another thing that is populating my gourd....when is this heat going to let up so I can stand to go golfing? People have asked me how I golf I say "I golf in the 80's...gets any hotter and I can't stand to go." Old joke but true. Come on weather get in the 80's again. OK rambling over.

Love, Ted

Thursday, July 26, 2007

I have been tagged

The Rules:
1.Players start with 8 random facts about themselves.
2. Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 random facts.
3. Players should tag 2-8 other people and notify them they have been tagged.

First of all I am not liking being forced to Blog, one should blog because one feels that the Blog is needed and that the person in question has a view of the world to share with the rest of the world and ...... OK I'll play along.

1. I love football, love it love it love it!!! I will watch anything from a peewee football game to high school and up to the pinacle , yes Arena football!

2. I truly enjoy working out but very seldom have time to do it when I have the energy to do it.

3. I would live in the mountains or on a secluded carribean island and not talk to anyone outside of my family for months if I had the money and the means. (this one will be a surprise to all who know me)

4. Not consistent with #3. I love people, I love watching them and I love talking to them. I am an Enigma.

5. I am fascinated with the old west and Scotland.

6. I collect walking sticks and canes.

7. I have no middle name, just the initial J (and my first name is just Ted)

8. I was born with 6 fingers on my left hand. It was a functional pinky that was removed when I was 6 months old.

That is about the gist of it. Thanks Tina for tagging me.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Divine Appointments

I kind of feel like Andy Rooney tonight (the younger somewhat better looking Andy Rooney)
You know?!?! I wonder how God does this divine appointment thing. Like yesterday I went golfing with two co-workers and this guy, the normal kind of guy you see on a golf course, asks if he can tag along on our threesome. We all say ok and he just jumps in and starts conversing with us as we golf about his new clubs and how he is just trying them out and how nice it is on the course we were playing. He was very upbeat and struck up conversations with all three of us at different points along the way. We were all having a good time and of course it being golf one of the guys had a few expletives as his ball flew into the river, but our companion didn't blink an eye. 7 holes in I ask him what he does for a living and he says, "I have been a pastor for 27 years", (a hush falls over the crowd) I see nervous looks from my colorful co-worker but I know a good follower of Christ when I see one and I know that Pastor Mark isn't looking down on Tim just silently praying for him. He was the very image of Christ, not condemning and even after the awkward point that the other two guys felt he was engaging and very nice asking us about ourselves and what we do. I must admit at this point that I was wondering if I had been off color in his presence but figured that I generally don't speak in too many curse words. I have let fly the occasional bad word especially on the golf course, but my point, if I have one is that Mark was a divine appointment for me because he showed me what I should be at all times (even on the golf course). God just works that way, he doesn't beat you over the head he just reminds you of how you should be. AND He loves us even in our weak moments. By the way I golfed fairly good. (I know you were wondering)

Love, Ted

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Mushroom Mania

So it is Morel season and my wife tells me I am obsessed with mushrooms. OK it is true but she won't turn down a plate full of the most tasty mushrooms know to man when I offer them to her. Other than people who have eaten too many at one sitting and got sick, I can't think of anyone who doesn't love the succulent taste of a morel mushroom dredged in flour and fried in olive oil or butter. My mouth is literally watering as I type these words. I need my morel fix for the year!!!! Other than that I am thrilled to let you all know that I went golfing this week and evben though I stunk up the course I had a very good time with Levi (my co worker) we didn't set the course on fire but we enjoyed ourselves and got to know each other better. I will enjoy getting Tina on the course and helping her perfect her game. So there you go. I am back and rambling......feels good.